This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to work safely in the electrotechnology industry by following work health and safety (WHS) or occupational health and safety (OHS) regulations and codes of practice. You'll learn how to identify hazards and control risks and follow the proper procedures to ensure a safe working environment. You'll also learn about your responsibilities for health and safety in the workplace and how to manage risks and follow safety practices in an electrotechnology workplace. It also includes safe work methods for safely removing an electric shock victim from a live electrical situation.
Category | Duration | Price |
Health and Safety | 480 mins (1 day) Face-to-face | $220 |
*Price does not attract GST
Course durations can vary for multiple reasons, so the durations above are the minimum possible amount.
The skills in this course are applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
The following units will be included in your certificate:
* No equipment required.
*This course can be delivered/assessed in the workplace or at facility organised by the training provider.
This course is delivered and assessed on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909 by Urban Abseiler Pty Ltd.
Please note that enrolment to this course is made with Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909. Please refer to the student handbook located on the RTO website allenstraining.com.au (https://allenstraining.com.au/students/student-handbook) for all details relating to rights and responsibilities including complaints and appeals.